Author: barefootwitch

0 337
Posted in Sabbats

Lammas Blessing Chant

A chant for Lammas Lughnasadh or any other grain centered holiday.

0 396
Posted in Earth Goddess

Mother I Feel You Under My Feet

A lovely mother earth chant for earth day or mother earth celebrations.

I am the goddess
0 268
Posted in Goddess

I Am The Goddess

Beautiful song to celebrate the goddess.

0 210
Posted in Spirit

I am Whole

A personal growth and wholness chant that is great for devleopign community.

0 219
Posted in Women

Circle of Women (Nalini)

A beautiful song by Nalini Blossom celebrating women in all of their rolls.

0 350
Posted in Ocean

The Ocean Refuses No River

A beautiful Sufi chant about the oneness creation.

0 213
Posted in Shadow

I Release

A chant to allow for release and letting spirit guide your life.

0 284
Posted in Goddess

My Body is a Living Temple

A chant for loving the body you have. It’s written for women but has a mal version suggested.

0 82
Posted in Sabbats

Light is Returning

Winter Solstice, Yule chant celebrating the return of the sun.

0 140
Posted in Elemental

Wearing My Long Wing Feathers

I’m wearing my long wing feathers as I fly I’m wearing my long wing feathers as I…