Category: Goddess

0 395
Posted in Earth Goddess

Mother I Feel You Under My Feet

A lovely mother earth chant for earth day or mother earth celebrations.

I am the goddess
0 268
Posted in Goddess

I Am The Goddess

Beautiful song to celebrate the goddess.

0 305
Posted in Goddess

We All Come From The Goddess

A goddess worship chant great for building energy.

0 282
Posted in Goddess

My Body is a Living Temple

A chant for loving the body you have. It’s written for women but has a mal version suggested.

0 118
Posted in Elemental Goddess

The Earth is our Mother

The earth is our mother We honor her always The earth is our mother We honor her…

0 95
Posted in Elemental Goddess

We are one with the soul of the earth

We are one with the soul of the earth Mother Earth

0 86
Posted in Elemental Goddess

The River is Flowing

The river is flowing flowing and growing The river is flowing down to the sea. Mother, carry…

0 84
Posted in Goddess

Divine Mother

Like a bee my mind is buzzing Around the blue lotus feet of my Divine Mother my…

0 76
Posted in Goddess

Lady Spin

Lady Spin your circle bright, Weave your web of dark and light, Earth, air, fire and water,…