Tag: Elemental

0 336
Posted in Sabbats

Lammas Blessing Chant

A chant for Lammas Lughnasadh or any other grain centered holiday.

0 71
Posted in Uncategorized

Born of Water

Born of water Cleansing, powerful Healing, changing We are (or “I am”) [youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=m2-z_ieAdrQ&w=420&h=315]

0 96
Posted in Elemental

Air Moves Us

Element chant that is great for raising energy in circle.

0 76
Posted in Goddess

Lady Spin

Lady Spin your circle bright, Weave your web of dark and light, Earth, air, fire and water,…

0 94
Posted in Elemental

Return, Return, Return, Return

The earth, the air the fire the water, Return, return, return, return, The earth, the air the…

0 87
Posted in Elemental

Air I Am

Air I am,Fire I am,Water, Earth and Spirit I am.(x3)

1 136
Posted in Elemental

Earth My Body

Earth my body, Water my blood, Air my breath and Fire my spirit.