Month: January 2015

0 69
Posted in Uncategorized

Healing (I am a Circle)

I am a circle, I am healing you, You are a circle, you are healing me, United…

0 88
Posted in Uncategorized

We are the Flow

We are the flow, we are the ebb, We are the weaver, we are the web. We…

0 76
Posted in Community

I Hear You Calling (Chalice and Blade)

Once in a month when the moon is full, Some secret place shall ye gather, Adore the…

0 63
Posted in Uncategorized

Arms of the Great Mother

May the arms of the great mother, Ever surround me, May the arms of the great mother,…

0 90
Posted in Animals Moon

Snake Woman

Snake Woman shedding her skin (2x) Shedding, shedding, shedding her skin (2x) Bird woman taking flight Star…

0 78
Posted in Uncategorized

Ancient Mother

Ancient Mother, I hear you calling Ancient Mother, I hear your song Ancient Mother, I hear your…

0 84
Posted in Goddess

Divine Mother

Like a bee my mind is buzzing Around the blue lotus feet of my Divine Mother my…

0 112
Posted in Uncategorized

I Walk With the Goddess (by Kellianna)

I walk with the goddess, The goddess, she walks with me. I walk with the goddess, The…

0 74
Posted in Uncategorized

Earth Mother

Earth mother, we honor your body Earth mother, we honor your bones Earth mother, we enter your…

0 76
Posted in Goddess

Lady Spin

Lady Spin your circle bright, Weave your web of dark and light, Earth, air, fire and water,…