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0 336
Posted in Sabbats

Lammas Blessing Chant

A chant for Lammas Lughnasadh or any other grain centered holiday.

0 395
Posted in Earth Goddess

Mother I Feel You Under My Feet

A lovely mother earth chant for earth day or mother earth celebrations.

I am the goddess
0 267
Posted in Goddess

I Am The Goddess

Beautiful song to celebrate the goddess.

0 209
Posted in Spirit

I am Whole

A personal growth and wholness chant that is great for devleopign community.

0 218
Posted in Women

Circle of Women (Nalini)

A beautiful song by Nalini Blossom celebrating women in all of their rolls.

0 275
Posted in Elemental

Circle Casting Song (Reclaiming – Second Chants)

A lovely chant by Reclaiming used to cast circle in song.

0 304
Posted in Goddess

We All Come From The Goddess

A goddess worship chant great for building energy.

0 349
Posted in Ocean

The Ocean Refuses No River

A beautiful Sufi chant about the oneness creation.

0 212
Posted in Shadow

I Release

A chant to allow for release and letting spirit guide your life.

0 282
Posted in Goddess

My Body is a Living Temple

A chant for loving the body you have. It’s written for women but has a mal version suggested.