Circle Casting Song (Reclaiming – Second Chants)

Eastern Morning/First breath of the soul
World view forming/Sacred and whole
Wind of knowledge/Simple and wise
Bringer of the lightning/That strikes in our minds
Come to us – be here now
Southern fire/White rays of the sun
Source of will/That always is done
Heat of passion/Longing and need
You who push the Green one/Out of the seed
Come to us – be here now
Western river/Devotee of the moon
Gentle sculptor/Of babes in the womb
Spring of Jubilation/Courage and Tears
Giver of the sweet love/That soothes all our fears
Come to us – be here now
Northern mountain/Body of the Earth
Finite treasure/Of infinite worth
Cave of transformation/Childbirth and death
Suckler of the wild ones/Who curl upon your breast
Come to us – be here now
– Susan Falkenrath Wolf

Author: slatemiradora

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